We have all been schooled on how to save money at the grocery store such as buy on sale, cut coupons and carry a price book but what about convenience food, all or most can be made for a fraction of the cost even with sales and coupons.
We take alot of things for granted. One of the things we take for granted are many of our foods we buy. Alot of these foods are really convenience items, but over time we have lost the concept of what "convenience" is.
It may not make any sense to cut out all of these items, consider your life circumstances and there is some conveniences that are worth paying for. Many of these items if they are home made will reduce your grocery bill by half or more.
Here are some of the conveniece foods we now see as staples:
- Bread
- Pop/Juice (drinks in general)
- cereal
- boxed meals
- canned soups
- frozen dinners(pizza/tv dinners ect..)